We inspire talented and curious students by encouraging intellectual exploration, fearless analysis, and the pursuit of bold new questions. Through our uniquely chosen curriculum singled out from Internationally recognized examiners, and carefully vetted tutors who have adopted relevant style of teaching, we engage young minds with formative ideas and approaches in an environment where they are challenged by leading scholars—and taught to challenge in return.
The College provides students with opportunities to further their intellectual development both in and beyond country. Programs and experiential learning opportunities engage students in immersive activities to deepen their knowledge of the world around them by connecting classroom teaching to lived experiences.
Through intellectual vitality, Macmillan Technical College seeks to establish a culture in which all members speak, listen, and ask questions of each other – and ourselves – with curiosity and respect. This is critical to achieve the mission of the College and what we as a community believe in.
Our Acaemics Information
Knowing a second language is something that everyone can benefit from. If you want to travel, you need to know other languages. If you want to be successful in business, you need to understand other cultures. If you want to conduct research in the international community, you need to understand the language your peers are speaking. We can help you reach your goals.